Welcome to Barb's Blog. I will post weekly (or nearly) some of my opinions, insights, ideas, and adventures about art, travel, plein aire, pastel, and whatever's happening. Join me, feel free to add comments, follow along as I paint and write and explore Summer in CedaredgeGreetings: Kyle and I are in the process of publishing our third children's book, Clementine the Rescue Dog Series. Beachcombers takes Clem and her boys to the ocean. We hope to share the adventures soon.
After publishing The Missing Green Crayon and working on Beachcombers I have concentrated on some family paintings, i.e. for my daughter and her remodeled house. This was fun for me as I jumped back in history to my relatives in Denmark and their summer home. I used acrylic and textured canvases, and palette knife. I also did the grumpy sheep. It's 36" square and was a hoot to paint. I also did a lot of cartooning and other Covid retreat type painting. I needed a break. Now it's back to work. I hope you, too, have taken this time to reflect, breathe and pamper yourself. The world is not easy. August is hereAugust 16th through September 27th, the Eighth Tribe, also know as Barbara Torke's friends and students; my tribe, will be showing at the Grand Mesa Arts and Entertainment Center in Cedaredge, Colorado. If you ar in the area I hope you come and visit, and maybe even join the opening August 19.
I have some new paintings in the Recents folder. Not all of them, but some. Enjoy and hope you are all well and surviving with flair. Happy New YearI'm afraid 2020 was driven out of town like no other year before. I don't remember ever having a year so soundly accused of being Horrible. Being that what it is, here's wishing you and yours a very profitable and healthy new year.
pleasant creative a HAPPY NEW YEAR
Clementine is beginning a new adventure. It's just the beginning. Ice Breaking, and Hiking the Grand Mesa are the adventures already available for children on Amazon and LovingHealingPress. by Kyle Torke and illustrated by Barbara Torke.
2020 is almost OverIt has been an interesting year. I've learned a lot, and tried a lot of new things. I am teaching classes on Zoom, once a week, and accepting any challenge that presents itself. I was asked if I have goals for 2021, and indeed I do. One is to get finished some of the goals I set for 2020. There is a third children's book to complete. There is an art show to get ready. I always have a poem to write, a painting to complete, a plan to implement. Until 2021, have as pleasant and happy a Christmas as you can under the circumstances. Learn something new every day, and try something new every day. Even if it's a new recipe, or a new website. I suggest being thankful for what we have. And grateful for the good things coming. They will get here, even if it takes a while.
Lazy Days in JulyLazy Days in July is hardly happening. Being home is busier than ever. What was unusual is now an every day occurrence. A mask seems normal. This is, then, the new normal. If I look to a future, I realize it will be different than I ever believed possible. Setting priorities, and creating projects, all seems very important now. I have been making masks for friends and others. I teach over the internet, on Zoom. There is the new book, coming along slowly, and all kinds of personal quests. Too many, it sometimes seems. On July 24 the Book Launch for Don Benjamin is the happening at the Grand Mesa Arts and Entertainment Center. With concerns about social distancing it has been delayed until now. I will have copies of the second Clementine book for sale. Don has been very generous in sharing the experience with others. If you are in the area drop by. It will be a managed social gathering. Lots of good reads.
The following week the GMAEC is having a fundraiser on site as well as on line. I have three pieces for sale in their ReFind Gallery. a Cats for Klimt Chair, an Aspen Seasons table/box, and a High Desert Shadowbox. Check all these activities out at the Grand Mesa Arts and Entertainment website, and on Facebook. There is a lot of amazing Art and Imagination to see and purchase. Have a marvelous rest of the summer. Learn something new every day. Find new ways to live. Make art.