Have a great 2020I ignored my goals in 2019. I did not post weekly. Or even monthly. I have no excuses. I just didn't get to it. I painted. I exhibited at the Apple Shed and the Creamery. I painted plein aire. I painted watercolor and pastel. I illustrated another children's book to go to press in February, 2020. Acrylic was fun to explore a little, and yet the website I ignored. To be honest it may have to do with the political climate, which I find disturbing. I don't want to offend anyone so I say little here. I tend to stay close to people with common attitudes. I am a voter of the issues. All of my issues; education, women's rights, health and social fairness, have crumbled or been buried I don't believe the things I see written. How can we have so little respect for others? Perhaps I should paint political issues. Perhaps I should state my beliefs in crusading fiery large oils and collage. Yet I love the landscape. I treasure snow and water. I feel the soft tangible love of pets, dogs, cats and horses. I will try harder. I will make an effort to say something of value. I love it when people say they like my work, the dogs and people make them smile. I want to paint something that makes them feel. I want to paint something that makes people try. What? Try to be better. Try to love more. Try to imagine and achieve. Try to make this world better for everyone. Too philosophic? Maybe. I'll try to show how even the pine and the spruce can love each other. Tristan and Isolde plein aire in pastel TRISTEN AND ISOLDE I'll try to accept challenges such as Creek Running Hard, pastel
CREEK RUNNING HARD I'll try to set goals that are positive. Prairie Dogs from Clementine in the Dobies, watercolors, goes to print soon. Another one is in the works for the third Clementine book from Kyle Torke and myself. He writes, I illustrate.. PRAIRIE DOGS LovingHealingPress is the publisher. Whatever happens in 2020, I refuse to look at a glass half empty. Lets go for adding joy and enthusiasm for truth and justice in any way we can. Join me? Happy 2020
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